Starting the application process is easy. Just visit our sign-up page and enter your email address. It takes about 15-20 minutes, and once you're accepted, you can start taking paid tests right away!
To apply, you'll need:
A device that meets our minimum requirements
An active and verified PayPal account
1. A device that meets our minimum requirements:
For Windows computers:
- Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11
- Browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge
- Upload speed: At least 3.0 Mbps
- Maximum screen resolution: 1920x1080
- Screen ratio: 16:9
For Mac computers:
- Operating system: OS X 10.15 or higher
- Browser:
- Chrome, Firefox, Edge
- Safari (current version only)
- Upload speed: At least 3.0 Mbps
- Maximum screen resolution: 1920x1080
- Screen ratio: 16:9
For iOS mobile devices:
- Operating system: Two latest versions
- Memory: At least 400MB of available space on your device
- Battery level: At least 20%
For Android devices:
- Operating system: Android OS 10.0 or higher
- Memory: At least 400MB of available space on your device
- Battery level: At least 20%
2. A microphone
A key part of being a Contributor is speaking your thoughts aloud so customers can gather your feedback. This means you'll need a reliable microphone during your test.
Many computers and mobile devices come with built-in microphones, but if yours isn't working or you prefer a different setup, here's an inexpensive headset we recommend.
3. An active and verified PayPal account
You must have a verified PayPal account to receive payments. To learn more, check out our PayPal Verification Guide.