What are the system requirements?
How do I know what version of Chrome I’m using?
Where can I install the UserTesting Browser Recorder?
How do I uninstall the UserTesting Browser Recorder?
What if I have multiple monitors?
There’s an upload issue. What should I do?
I’m running into some weird behavior. What should I do?
What happens if I hit 'Stop sharing'?
What are the system requirements?
- Operating system: Windows 7, 8, 10, or 11
- Memory: At least 1 GB of total RAM and 600MB of available RAM.
- Free disk space: At least 7 GB of free disk space.
- Browser: Chrome
- Upload speed of at least 3.0 Mbps
- Operating system: OS X 10.7 or higher
- Memory: At least 1 GB of total RAM and 600MB of available RAM.
- Free disk space: At least 7 GB of free disk space.
- Browser: Chrome
- Upload speed of at least 3.0 Mbps
How do I know what version of Chrome I’m using?
- Copy and paste this link into your browser’s address bar ‘chrome://help/’
- If you’re on an older version of Chrome, you can update it on the resulting page.
- For more information, you can go here.
Where can I install the UserTesting Browser Recorder?
- When you accept a test that requires the extension, you’ll see a button prompting you to install it and then a system dialogue to add it.
- Find detailed instructions here.
How do I uninstall the UserTesting Browser Recorder?
- Copy and paste this link ‘chrome://extensions’ into your browser and locate the UserTesting extension.
- Click the "Remove" button to remove the extension.
Which monitor do I select?
- When prompted to share your screen, select the screen where the UserTesting webpage is located.
There’s an upload issue. What should I do?
- Reach out to the Support team and we can investigate why this happened.
- Currently, there is no way to restart an upload for tests that use the Browser Recorder.
I’m running into some weird behavior. What should I do?
- Restart the Google Chrome browser.
- Uninstall and reinstall the UserTesting Browser Recorder. You can reinstall it here.
- Make sure to grant Microphone access to the UserTesting Browser Recorder. Read more here.
- If that doesn’t resolve it, please provide screenshots of what you’re seeing and reproducible steps.
What happens if I hit 'Stop sharing’?
- Your video will stop recording and your test will be cancelled. You will not complete the test or receive payment.
- Unless you want to quit your test, do not click this button.
- Click the “Hide” button instead to dismiss this notification.
Best Practices
- When you’re ready to begin the test, make sure you’re in a quiet place.
- If using an external microphone, make sure to plug it in before you start the test. (You will receive an error message if a microphone is not detected.)
- Disable anything that might disrupt the recording process, including ad blockers, corporate firewalls, or anti-virus software.
- It’s a good idea to exit out of any other app, program, or website you may have running in the background before beginning.
- Make sure your browser is not in full screen mode.
- Close down any tabs or background materials that you do not want recorded.
- If you run into issues with the installation process, refresh your browser or shut down and then reopen the browser. If this doesn’t work, try to uninstall and reinstall the recorder.